This is why at one point I phased all my conversations to Bible only and ignored the publications altogether when trying to prove a theological point. maybe Mike has been talking to apostates). Remember, if I were to bring these quotes in, the study conductor would wonder how I got my hands on these (i.e. the changes on “this generation” or blood transfusion policies). Previous to the addition to the online library, I would tactically ask the JW I was studying with to bring me quotes from their CD-ROM in order to prove a point I was trying to make (e.g. For example, you can’t really accuse apostates for editing quotes or scans when you can simply pull the quote up on Now there would be more accountability for the JW to own up to what the organization was teaching. That is, if it wasn’t on or a physical publication (not a scan) from the last 10-15 years, it wasn’t really up for discussion.įinally, when added in their online library (which basically replicated the CD-ROM function), the conversation changed. It was easy for JW’s to dismiss old publications as “old light.” Since these old publications weren’t really studied anymore, JW’s often didn’t care to discuss it.Often, they were concerned that it was somehow edited by apostates. Most of the time, JW’s would refuse to even look (literally) at a scan of a publication.If a JW knew I had it, the conversation would end because I was considered either an apostate or dishonest (since the CD is for JW’s only). A non-JW like me shouldn’t have a Watchtower Library CD-ROM to begin with.This made the situation quite difficult for non-JW’s and their interactions with JW’s. Until recently, if you wanted to obtain information from Watchtower publications going back to the 1950’s through the 1990’s, you either had to have the printed publications, access to the Watchtower Library CD-ROM, or worse, scans of the publications.