Related questions: Q: How do you start a 2D animation in Blender?Ī: There is no one specific way to start a 2D animation in Blender. This will create a new scene and add it to the "Outliner". Then choose "Scene" from the list of available options. To do this, go to the "File" menu and select "New". Now that our assets are imported, we need to create a new scene to house them. Your assets will now be imported into Blender and appear in the "Outliner" window. Locate your assets in the file browser and select them. Then choose your file format (we'll be using PNG for this tutorial). To do this, go to the "File" menu and select "Import". Once you have all of your assets created, it's time to import them into Blender. Apply a Gaussian blur with a radius of 10 pixels. Then go to the "Filter" menu and select "Blur". This can be done by creating a new image and filling it with a solid color. Import your logo image into the image editor and position it in the center of the canvas.įinally, we'll add a light source. Next, we'll add our logo to the background. In the "Image" settings, select "RGBA" for the color mode and "1024x768" for the size.
To create the background, go to the "Image" menu and select "New Image". For this tutorial, we'll be creating a simple 2D logo animation, so we'll need a few basic graphics: In the image editor, you can create your assets from scratch or import existing images. Then select "Image Editor" from the list of available windows. To launch the image editor, go to the "Window" menu and select "New Window". This can be done in any graphics program, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll use Blender's built-in image editor. The first step is to create the assets for your animation. Now let's go into more detail on each of these steps. This can be done in any graphics program, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll use Blender's built-in image editor.Ĭreate a new scene and add your assets to the scene. Assuming you have a basic understanding of Blender, we'll skip ahead to the fun part: creating a 2D animation!Ĭreate your assets.